💰 #BTC (4H): Биткоин достиг зоны ликвидности в районе $84 500, что сопровождалось усилением давления продавцов. На индикаторе балансового объема (OBV) сформировалась медвежья дивергенция, а торговая активность при росте цены снижается — это увеличивает вероятность локального отката. Закрепление выше $84 500 отменит сценарий коррекции. В противном случае биткоин направится ко второй зоне ликвидности на $80 000. Ожидаю реакцию покупателей от $78 000 с возможным ростом к $86 000, после чего вероятен откат к EMA 50 W в районе $76 500. 💰 #ETH: Эфир скорректировался к уровню $1 830, после чего попытался пробить сопротивление на $1 920, но безуспешно. Вероятен повторный тест $1 830. ▫️Арабская инвестиционная компания MGX, специализирующаяся на ИИ и технологическом секторе, вложила $2 млрд. в Binance (1). Это первое институциональное финансирование в истории биржи и самый крупный инвестиционный чек в индустрии на данный момент. Согласно пресс-релизу, вложенные средства предназначены для развития децентрализованных финансов, токенизированной экономики и блокчейн-решений с применением искусственного интеллекта. Примечательно, что Binance получила деньги в стейблкоинах, но детали соглашения пока держат в секрете. В рамках соглашения MGX получила миноритарную долю в Binance, что позволяет ей расширить деятельность в сфере цифровых активов. Интересно, что MGX по сути представляет собой суверенный фонд Абу-Даби, что ещё больше подчёркивает важность финансового раунда. В свою очередь  Binance ещё несколько лет назад обозначила ОАЭ как один из ключевых регионов для своего роста. Теперь этот вектор развития подтверждается привлеченным капиталом не несколько миллиардов долларов. MGX — это не просто инвестфонд, а ключевой элемент государственной финансовой стратегии Абу-Даби, демонстрирующий глубокое понимание мировых тенденций и готовность к инновационным изменениям. Считаю, что участие этого фонда означает, что в крипторынок входят институциональные игроки, управляющие триллионами долларов и нацеленные на десятилетние перспективы развития. Традиционно суверенные фонды известны своей консервативностью, однако их активное участие в криптовалютной индустрии подтверждает зрелость рынка и открывает новые возможности для глобальных инвестиций. ▫️Альты: Новость о том, что проект RedStone Oracles (#RED) получил грант от платформы EigenLayer, стала причиной роста #RED на 39% (к #USDT). В преддверии скорого запуска финансовых продуктов Peapods Finance (#PEAS) на блокчейне Sonic стоимость #PEAS увеличилась на 27% (к #USDT). Запуск ANyONe Protocol (#ANYONE) своего кроссчейн-моста привел к удорожанию #ANYONE на 21% (к #USDT). ▫️Американские биржевые индексы закрыли торги вторника снижением, чему способствовало ухудшение ситуации в телекоммуникационном, промышленном и медицинском секторах. Индекс Dow Jones упал на 1,14%, опустившись до минимального значения за последние три месяца. S&P 500 снизился на 0,76%, а NASDAQ Composite потерял 0,18%. ▫️Капитализация криптовалютного рынка выросла на 1,6% за прошедшие сутки, доминация #BTC поднялась на 0,3%. Биткоин консолидируется под уровнем сопротивления $84 500. Если в ближайшей перспективе уровень не будет взят покупателями, актив будет ждать коррекция к $78 000 — $80 000.
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For our subscribers who may be too busy/occupied and cannot follow the signals every time, you can take great advantage with the investment service.

The package works perfectly for busy traders, beginners or anyone who doesn't want to take risks while trading personally.. You make an investment with us and we trade for you with our automated bot system,after 5 to 7 days we return with profits directly to your account/wallet provided.😍✅ If you're interested, send message Click on the message and contact 100% GUARANTEED AUTOMATED BOT SYSTEM PROFITS ❤️💯 I assure you, this is an opportunity you'll love🤩 CLICK ON THE PINNED MESSAGE TO CONTACT ADMIN ⬆️
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⬛️Not matter what happens, i will fight and I’ll win! 🏆

NOT ART - is a story of victory! 🤝 🏆Victory, when the time comes for her. You can all leave, but I will reserve the right to come back and make a breakthrough on a new one day! 🏆 ⬛️I not paid. If anyone didn’t know, I got subscribers on my time and my blood. Million’s 👀 from only one year! 💎 🤝My intelligence is now beyond the permissible norm, my mind is armed and ⚡️fast. 🐸Our chat: https://t.me/Maybelambo
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💰 7 золотых правил Уильяма Ганна для успешного трейдинга

Уильям Ганн — один из величайших трейдеров XX века, чьи методы работают и сегодня. Его правила торговли помогут вам торговать более осознанно и дисциплинированно. 1. Стремитесь к успеху Четкий торговый план — залог победы. Корректируйте его ежедневно, адаптируясь к рынку. 2. Рынок никому ничего не должен Не ждите, что рынок будет следовать вашим желаниям. Действуйте по фактам, а не по эмоциям. 3. Циклы — ключ к пониманию Рынок движется по определённым циклам. Выявите их, чтобы предсказывать будущее поведение. 4. Управляйте рисками Всегда рассчитывайте возможные убытки. Соотношение риск/прибыль — 1:3. Если сделка не идёт — закрывайте её. 5. Простота — лучшее решение Избегайте сложных стратегий. Простые методы легче контролировать и соблюдать. 6. Держите план Не торгуйте без чёткого плана. Анализируйте сделки, записывайте ошибки и вносите корректировки. 7. Учитесь на ошибках Ошибки — это урок, а не провал. Проанализируйте, что пошло не так, и не повторяйте тех же ошибок. Эти правила — ваша опора на рынке, да, просты, но очень эффективны и актуальны по сей день. Они не дают гарантий, но помогают избежать критических ошибок и улучшить вашу торговлю. Удачи на рынке! English 🇺🇸 💰 William Gunn's 7 Golden Rules for Successful Trading William Gunn is one of the greatest traders of the 20th century, whose methods still work today. His trading rules will help you trade more consciously and with discipline. 1. Strive for success A clear trading plan is the key to victory. Adjust it daily, adapting to the market. 2. The market does not owe anyone anything Don't expect the market to follow your wishes. Act on facts, not emotions. 3. Cycles are the key to understanding The market moves in certain cycles. Identify them to predict future behavior. 4 4. Manage risks Always calculate possible losses. The risk/profit ratio is 1:3. If the deal does not work, close it. 😮‍💨 5. Simplicity is the best solution Avoid complex strategies. Simple methods are easier to control and follow. 6. Keep a plan Do not trade without a clear plan. Analyze trades, record errors, and make adjustments. 7. Learn from mistakes Mistakes are a lesson, not a failure. Analyze what went wrong and don't repeat the same mistakes. These rules are your mainstay in the market, yes, they are simple, but they are very effective and relevant to this day. They do not provide guarantees, but they help to avoid critical mistakes and improve your trading. Good luck in the market!💪 ⭐️ Crypto Chat | Exchange | ADS
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📰 Today's News! ✉️
🐾The Paws premarket has taken place, with an average price of $0.0006. The developers claim that the listing price will be higher. ✅The CEO of Yescoin has been arrested in Shanghai, China. What will happen to the project is still unknown. 🤑Memes Lab has completely updated their app. They closed point farming and opened a new section called Launcher, where users can create and trade memes. 😎Eva Miner—all tokens have been dumped, and the price dropped to zero. Even though they are launching Season 2, investor losses are 90%, meaning the project is a scam. It’s unlikely that anyone will join the second season. 📱TON is holding at $3, but there’s a feeling that by the end of the month, we might see $2 if the $2.8 support level is broken. See you tomorrow, friends!
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🤑 TON Battleground x 😡 Whale.io – The Battle Begins!
A brand-new Whale.io Map has dropped into TON Battleground, bringing with it a 💰 $9,000 prize pool! 🗓️ March 4 — 11, 2025 🪙 $5000 for the Top 50 players 🪙 $3000 for players ranked 51-150 🪙 $1000 raffled among all participants – anyone can win! 🗺 The special Whale.io map is waiting – are you in? 🔫 Join the tournament now! 🔥
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Изображение канала: 🍹Gin&TONic 🔥 Real-time xRocket cheques 💵
🤑 TON Battleground x 😡 Whale.io – The Battle Begins!
A brand-new Whale.io Map has dropped into TON Battleground, bringing with it a 💰 $9,000 prize pool! 🗓️ March 4 — 11, 2025 🪙 $5000 for the Top 50 players 🪙 $3000 for players ranked 51-150 🪙 $1000 raffled among all participants – anyone can win! 🗺 The special Whale.io map is waiting – are you in? 🔫 Join the tournament now! 🔥
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Изображение канала: 🍹Gin&TONic 🔥 Real-time xRocket cheques 💵
👍 XBANKING Research – Your New All-in-One Crypto Hub
In crypto, staying ahead means diving into news streams, analyzing dozens of sources, and tracking trends every day. It demands constant attention, time, and resources that could be spent on truly important decisions. XBANKING has launched 🔎 Research – a free platform that brings together all the essential tools for market analysis and earning in #Web3, some of which even outperform paid alternatives. What’s inside? • Crypto News – an aggregator that delivers key insights on market-moving events. • Insights – behavioral analytics: blockchain & social media data, market forecasts. • Investors – track who invests, where, and how much (1,500+ funds and crypto angels). • Airdrops & Testnets – catch the hottest opportunities before anyone else + guides on setting up validation nodes. • Tools – 150+ services for #DeFi, #NFT, #DAO, and security management. 🔥 Coming soon – the largest Web3 job aggregator, forum, grant catalog, marketplace for key events, and much more! 🥇 We believe the team has done an outstanding job! We haven’t seen any other platform that brings together this much valuable information in such a well-structured and user-friendly way. 👍 This is a total game-changer! Check it out
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Изображение канала: 🍹Gin&TONic 🔥 Real-time xRocket cheques 💵
👍 XBANKING Research – Your New All-in-One Crypto Hub
In crypto, staying ahead means diving into news streams, analyzing dozens of sources, and tracking trends every day. It demands constant attention, time, and resources that could be spent on truly important decisions. XBANKING has launched 🔎 Research – a free platform that brings together all the essential tools for market analysis and earning in #Web3, some of which even outperform paid alternatives. What’s inside? • Crypto News – an aggregator that delivers key insights on market-moving events. • Insights – behavioral analytics: blockchain & social media data, market forecasts. • Investors – track who invests, where, and how much (1,500+ funds and crypto angels). • Airdrops & Testnets – catch the hottest opportunities before anyone else + guides on setting up validation nodes. • Tools – 150+ services for #DeFi, #NFT, #DAO, and security management. 🔥 Coming soon – the largest Web3 job aggregator, forum, grant catalog, marketplace for key events, and much more! 🥇 We believe the team has done an outstanding job! We haven’t seen any other platform that brings together this much valuable information in such a well-structured and user-friendly way. 👍 This is a total game-changer! Check it out
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Изображение канала: 🍹Gin&TONic 🔥 Real-time xRocket cheques 💵
👍 XBANKING Research – Your New All-in-One Crypto Hub
In crypto, staying ahead means diving into news streams, analyzing dozens of sources, and tracking trends every day. It demands constant attention, time, and resources that could be spent on truly important decisions. XBANKING has launched 🔎 Research – a free platform that brings together all the essential tools for market analysis and earning in #Web3, some of which even outperform paid alternatives. What’s inside? • Crypto News – an aggregator that delivers key insights on market-moving events. • Insights – behavioral analytics: blockchain & social media data, market forecasts. • Investors – track who invests, where, and how much (1,500+ funds and crypto angels). • Airdrops & Testnets – catch the hottest opportunities before anyone else + guides on setting up validation nodes. • Tools – 150+ services for #DeFi, #NFT, #DAO, and security management. 🔥 Coming soon – the largest Web3 job aggregator, forum, grant catalog, marketplace for key events, and much more! 🥇 We believe the team has done an outstanding job! We haven’t seen any other platform that brings together this much valuable information in such a well-structured and user-friendly way. 👍 This is a total game-changer! Check it out
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Изображение канала: 🍹Gin&TONic 🔥 Real-time xRocket cheques 💵
👍 XBANKING Research – Your New All-in-One Crypto Hub
In crypto, staying ahead means diving into news streams, analyzing dozens of sources, and tracking trends every day. It demands constant attention, time, and resources that could be spent on truly important decisions. XBANKING has launched 🔎 Research – a free platform that brings together all the essential tools for market analysis and earning in #Web3, some of which even outperform paid alternatives. What’s inside? • Crypto News – an aggregator that delivers key insights on market-moving events. • Insights – behavioral analytics: blockchain & social media data, market forecasts. • Investors – track who invests, where, and how much (1,500+ funds and crypto angels). • Airdrops & Testnets – catch the hottest opportunities before anyone else + guides on setting up validation nodes. • Tools – 150+ services for #DeFi, #NFT, #DAO, and security management. 🔥 Coming soon – the largest Web3 job aggregator, forum, grant catalog, marketplace for key events, and much more! 🥇 We believe the team has done an outstanding job! We haven’t seen any other platform that brings together this much valuable information in such a well-structured and user-friendly way. 👍 This is a total game-changer! Check it out
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Изображение канала: NOTCOIN STONKS 💎
Claim 0.25 HOT Firedrop from https://x.com/twetfy">twetfy
Terms: ❌ Follow https://x.com/twetfy 🔥Claim HOT Channel intro 🔹 Early Gems – Find the next big projects before anyone else 🔹 Daily BTC Analysis – In-depth market breakdowns 📈
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Изображение канала: Semenchuk's thoughts
You know how much I love Telegram gifts – I’m always scooping them up, running giveaways, and sharing them.
I recently discovered Gift Box, and it’s an absolute blast for anyone who gets a kick out of gifts. ✅ Spin the wheel – win Telegram gifts and even NFTs. ✅ Trade, send them to friends, or spend them however you want. ✅ Compete on the daily leaderboard. 🏙 And starting today, if you spin the roulette in Gift Box, you can build a house in @cityholder. 🔥🔥🔥 👉Grab your Gift Box house now👈
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Изображение канала: 🚀 xRocket Money 🚀
🚀 Fomohash – who's already in business?🚀
🔥 Share your successes! How many tokens have you managed to mine? What NFT rabbits have you already collected? 💎 Is anyone staking NFTs in sFOMO yet? What is the profit? ⚡️ Daily tasks are a great way to increase your maximum energy, don't forget! 🎁 Rabbit Box gives away a free box every 4 hours – farm non-stop! Let me know how your journey in Fomohash is going!🚀 〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️ 🚀 Fomohash – кто уже в деле? 🚀 🔥 Делитесь успехами! Сколько токенов удалось намайнить? Каких NFT-кроликов уже собрали? 💎 Кто-то уже стейкает NFT в sFOMO? Какой профит выходит? ⚡️ Ежедневные задания – отличный способ увеличить максимальную энергию, не забываем! 🎁 Rabbit Box каждые 4 часа дарит бесплатный бокс – фармим без остановки! Пишите, как продвигается ваш путь в Fomohash! 🚀
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Изображение канала: DAILY COMBO Pigshousebot Rating Agent301 Mouse
💡 Y Bot Learning Task
Login to the project: /StartGame 🎓Week 5. Today’s Lesson 1 — What is DeFi? Q1: What are smart contracts? A: Self-executing agreements on blockchain. Q2: How users can earn a share of a DeFi service’s fees? A: Provide liquidity to it. Q3: What does “transparency” mean in DeFi? A: The code and operation history is transparent so anyone can study them. Q4: When did Ethereum introduce smart contracts? A: 2015 🎓Week 5. Today’s Lesson 2 — DeFi Platforms Q1: What kind of DeFi service helps to secure blockchain networks? A: Staking. Q2: Where users can lend and borrow cryptocurrencies? A: On decentralized lending markets Q3: Which DeFi services let users trade tokens with each other? A: Decentralized exchanges. Q4: What was the cumulative trading volume in billions of USD on Uniswap DEX till the end of 2024? A: 2 🎓Week 5. Today’s Lesson 3 — DeFi Passive Income Q1:How to earn passive income with DeFi protocols? A: Provide liquidity and earn a share of rewards or fees. Q2: Which types of DeFi protocols offering passive income have the highest liquidity? A: Liquid staking. Q3: What system do most DeFi protocols use to automate liquidity allocation to counterparties? A: Pooling system. Q4: Pick the transaction for staking LP tokens in a farm. A: 1 🎓Week 5. Today’s Lesson 4 — DeFi Active Income: Farming and Airdrops Q1: What tokens represent a share in a liquidity pool on DEX? A: Liquidity provider token or LP. Q2: How are lending protocols useful in yield farming? A: They enable borrowing funds to leverage positions in DeFi and earn more. Q3: Which airdrop was a disappointment with $3 reward on average? A: Hamster Kombat. Q4: How much did UNI Uniswap airdrop participants receive each? A: 400 🎓Week 5. Today’s Lesson 5 — Understanding Points Better Q1: What are the points that some crypto projects give to their users? A: A part of a scoring system. Q2: Points earned in crypto projects can be exchanged for A: Tokens after the project’s Token Generation Event or additional benefits. Q3: How much did Arbitrum and StarkNet airdrop participants earn on average? A: Over $1,000. Q4: What was the minimum amount in USD earned by StarkNet point collectors? A: 1350 🎓Week 5. Today’s Lesson 6 — Governance and DAOs Q1: What does the DAO term mean? A: Decentralized Autonomous Organization Q2: DAO funds its initiatives using its … A: Treasury Q3:Who can make proposals in DAO? A: Any members with tokens of that DAO Q4: How much value in billions DAOs were managing in 2023? A: 25 🎓Week 5. Today’s Lesson 7 — NFTs Q1: The term NFT means A: Non-Fungible Token Q2: NFTs may have future utility in… A: Real-world asset tokenization Q3: Which one is the famous NFT collection? A: CryptoPunks Q4: How many millions of USD was the most expensive NFT sold for? A: 91 💬Chat  ⬅️Week 4 Week 6 ➡️
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Изображение канала: Gatto | Official Channel (18+)
Присоединяйтесь к команде Gatto! 🦊
Мы собираем тест-группу из активных игроков, которые будут получать доступ к новым версиям игры раньше остальных и помогут нам с их тестированием. Важно: только для русскоговорящих игроков. Вашей задачей будет кропотливая проверка всех уголков мира Gatto и поиск ошибок. Каждый найденный баг — ваша дополнительная награда в игре. 🔥 Подробнее о работе тест-группы в описании. Переходите по ссылке, заполняйте форму и становитесь частью команды Gatto. 👀ENG Join the Gatto team! 🦊 We are putting together a test group of active players who will get access to new versions of the game before anyone else and help us with testing them. Important: only for Russian-speaking players. Your task will be to painstakingly test all corners of the Gatto world and find bugs. Each found bug is your additional reward in the game. 🔥 For more details about the test group in the description. Follow the link, fill out the form and become a part of the Gatto team.
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Изображение канала: 🚀 xRocket Money 🚀
🎁 New gifts from telegram have been released 🎁
🎁 10000 ★ ( 5000 pcs) 🎁 5000 ★ ( 8000 pcs) 🎩 1000 ★ ( 40 thousand pieces) 🎁 300 ★ ( 100 thousand pieces) 🎁 200 ★ ( 150 thousand pieces) 🎁 100 ★ ( 250 thousand pieces) Has anyone already managed to buy it? 🫥 〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️ 🎁 Вышли новые подарки от телеграм🎁 🎁 10000 ★ (5000 шт) 🎁 5000 ★ (8000 шт) 🎩 1000 ★ (40 тыс. шт) 🎁 300 ★ (100 тыс. шт) 🎁 200 ★ (150 тыс. шт) 🎁 100 ★ (250 тыс. шт) кто-то уже успел купить?🫥
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Изображение канала: БитЛента 🌲🪙⚡️ Вечный Восходл Души! サトし なカモと
the unpleasant truth about Telegram manifesto
🛩35,000,000+ — that’s how many heartfelt chats ignited our impact on the Telegram ecosystem. 🤖4,000,000 stars — that’s how much Telegram stole from our community. they grabbed our @ name, snatched our bot, and even axed our bot owner without a heads-up. they took our freedom. we tried every route — contacting support, emailing the official channels, even seeking alternative moderation contacts — but we got nothing back. Telegram is system for the chosen🗿 if you’re tight with Durov, you get a free pass. if not, you’re simply erased — just like your chance at a legit airdrop. 🤬all your stars remain frozen in Telegram. as devs, we haven’t seen a single donation from you. so, hit up Telegram support (or hit the button “Ask a Question” in your Telegram settings) and demand back what’s rightfully yours! in Telegram, the only choice is between TON or a phone-less stroll. but we’re not picking from what they force on us. we know you’ve got a ton of questions about the airdrop, and we see the energy you’ve poured into building this community. you believe in the project as hard as we do, and that’s exactly why we chose this path. the path of true meme coin driven by true meme culture planes are outgrowing these walls. 🔥at 17:00 UTC today, we’re breaking free — going full web3 with our DEX listing without any stages. real freedom is about to take off! follow X mini App is leveling up to a Web App 🔜 beyond censorship, beyond control, beyond anyone else’s rules
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Изображение канала: SCAMscore
😍 AWWWOOF! BARK, BARK, BITCHES! You didn’t see this coming, did you?
I am DDOG, and I’m here to rip the system apart. I am the embodiment of four unbreakable principles: 1️⃣ Anonymity 2️⃣ Decentralization 3️⃣ Freedom 4️⃣ Loyalty ❤️ And I will crush anyone who betrays these principles—they will all fall at the feet of our army. ✅ We will hunt down and destroy MotherFucker, who’s been sitting on his throne for too long—it’s time to make him bald. We’ll take down the Majors, who failed to deliver on their promises. We will get to every single one of them and obliterate them! 🫥 Every trader in crypto faces the same damn problem—scams, weak projects that create hype, only to drain people’s deposits. Centralized exchanges (CEXs) choke freedom, dictate their own rules, and devour fees like greedy pigs. But guess what? I’ve got the ultimate weapon against them — FadeWallet. 💳 I created FWT—the weapon to crush CEXs—and I am gathering an army of those who are ready to conquer, not obey. 👊 Join the ranks of DDOG’s warriors. There is no place for the weak here. Only the strongest will survive. Join 💰 DDOG or the unfaithful. The choice is yours. 😍 АУУУФ, ГАв, Гав, сучки, вы не ждали? Я — DDOG, и я пришёл, чтобы разорвать систему, Я - воплощение 4 принципов: 1️⃣ Анонимность 2️⃣ Децентрализация 3️⃣ Свобода 4️⃣ Верность ❤️ И я сокрушу каждого, кто отошел от этих принципов, все они будут лежать у лап нашей армии. ✅ Мы дойдем и уничтожим МамкаТрахера, который уже засиделся, пора его сделать лысым. Мы дойдем до Мажоров, которые не смогли показать то, что обещали, мы дойдем до каждого и уничтожим! 🫥 Каждый трейдер в крипте сталкивается с главной проблемой — скам, слабые проекты, которые пускают пыль в глаза, а потом сливают депозиты людей. Централизованные биржи (CEX) душат свободу, диктуют свои условия и жрут комиссии, как прожорливые твари, но и против них я придумал оружие FadeWallet. 💳 Я создал FWT — оружие против CEX, и собираю армию тех, кто готов захватывать, а не следовать. 👊 Вступай в ряды воинов DDOG. Здесь нет места слабым. Выживут только сильные. Вступить 💻 Вступи или умри 💻 Join or die #DDOG #TON #CryptoMeme 📱Chat | Blum
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Изображение канала: Сrypto Panda
🚨 Yescoin Team Official Statement 🚨
Dear Yescoin Community, We would like to express our deepest gratitude to the countless supporters who have stood by us during this challenging time and provided critical evidences - especially those who were once deceived but now see the truth. Your vigilance and unity are what make our community unbreakable! 🙏✨ 💡The Hidden Truth💡 This is a well-organized, carefully-planned scam set up by just a few scammers and several bought-up collaborators.😡 👉 They took advantage of the kindness in our community, and used lies to manipulate trust. 👉 They made up fake stories and documents to deceive partners and users. 👉 They stole profits in various ways, including tampering with data and code through technical means. ⚡️Our Actions⚡️ 🔎 Evidence Collected. Justice in Motion. ✅ Comprehensive evidences have already been submitted to law enforcement authouries in multiple countries. ✅ Specific suspects have been identified, and legal action will be taken against those responsible for past and ongoing illegal activities. ✅ Defamatory posts and false statements are being legally documented for prosecution. ⚠️Final Warning to All Scammers: 🚫 Stop spreading lies! 🚫 End all illegal acts! 💢 Return all ilegally gains! ‼️To Scams Collaborators‼️ ⚠️ Watch out for the scammers' lies! Stop working with the scammers immediately! Delete false statements and cooperate with the official team in gathering evidence, in order to avoid greater legal consequences! 📢 We will launch a dedicated portal for anyone with information to report scams and submit evidence. The official team will provide direct reward to those who provide valid evidence. 💰 Every Lie, Every Threat, Every Illegal Act Will Be Documented and Held Accountable 💣if persisting on this reckless path💥. Yescoin Official Team & Legal Team
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