🤑 $50,000 Tournament from Electra x Bitget Wallet!
Great news from our partners: 🤝 Electra and💙 Bitget Wallet have joined forces to launch a high stakes trading campaign!
If you complete trading tasks in the Electra trading terminal, you can share $50,000 USDT in the airdrop!
Rewards will be distributed based on trading volume, so traders, get ready for a real challenge!
🚀 How to participate:
⏺ Download #Bitget Wallet, Go to Earnings Center and participate in the trading campaign
⏺ Connect your Bitget Wallet to Electra Trading Terminal
⏺ Hold at least 1 BGB until the end of the event
⏺ Start with trades of $10 to become a qualified participant
🔴 Important! To participate in the tournament, all trades must be conducted through Bitget Wallet
⚡️ The total prize pool of $50,000 USDT will be distributed among the most active traders as follows:
• 1st Place : $10,000 (Minimum Weekly TVL: $12.5M)
• 2nd place : $5,000 (minimum weekly TVL: $7.5M)
• 3rd Place : $2,500 (Minimum Weekly TVL: $3.75M)
• 4th place : $1,200 (minimum weekly TVL: $2.5M)
• 5th place : $800 (minimum weekly TVL: $2M)
• 6th-10th places : $500 each (minimum weekly TVL: $1.25M)
• 11th-20th places : $300 each
• 21st-50th places : $200 each
• 51-100th places : $100 each
• 101-200th places : $50 each
• 900 random participants will receive $10 each
*If the minimum TVL is not reached for the week, randomly selected participants will receive $10.
🗓 Duration : The activity will last only 1 week - from February 2nd 17:00 (UTC+8) to February 9th 17:00 (UTC+8).
Take part in a big trading tournament from 🚀 Electra and💙 Bitget Wallet!
#Electra #TradingTournament #BitgetWallet #DEX #DeFi