🔥 Up-to-date information on Fomohash !🔥

🐰 NFT bunnies and NFT fragments are actively mined, and the most valuable ones can be launched into a collection or staked in $FOMO to increase income. 🖥 Combine offline servers with regular mining mode for maximum profit from farming $Fomo! 🎁 To replenish energy and get additional rewards, open Rabbit Boxes ! There is a good chance to get a lot of energy⚡️ and powerful offline servers🖥 . ⏰ And don't forget to pick up one of the boxes for free every 4 hours ! 〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️ 🔥 Актуальная информация по Fomohash! 🔥 🐰 NFT-кролики и NFT-фрагменты активно майнятся, а самые ценные из них можно запустить в коллекцию или застейкать в $FOMO, чтобы увеличить доход. 🖥 Комбинируем оффлайн-сервера с обычным режимом майнинга для максимальной выгоды с фарма $Fomo! 🎁 Для восполнения энергии и получения дополнительных наград открывайте Rabbit Боксы! Есть хороший шанс получить много энергии ⚡️ и мощные оффлайн-сервера 🖥. ⏰ И не забывайте забирать каждые 4 часа один из боксов бесплатно!
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Cattea Shop Overhaul: Passive Income is HERE🐾

➡️Cattea here ☝ ➡️ Combo system removed, passive income upgrades and friend invitation bonuses added in Cattea. The method of obtaining tokens in the shop has been updated, now tokens are generated 24/7 in passive mode. ☺️Each shop level upgrade creates a simple yet powerful passive income system, generating wealth 24/7. ☺️Gameplay simplified: collect cash, serve customers, and watch CATTEA tokens multiply beyond imagination. ☺️By inviting friends, you can unlock famous customers like Binance CZ, Elon Musk, Donald Trump who will increase your income. ☺️Get boxes for daily login and watching ads. 😼 More from Catizen: ➡️Catizen game center here ☝ ➡️Vanilla Finance here ☝ ➡️Bombie here ☝ 🦊 Channel | 💬 Chat | ⭐ Voice | OKX ✨ | BingX 🔀 | 🪓 Game Put 🦊 if the post was interesting! Share in the comments, enter the chat
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🎉 The carnival of discounts in Fomohash continues!

-🔋 -43% on energy upgrade -🌐 -59% on offline servers -⚡️ -52% on energy packs To replenish energy and get additional rewards, open Rabbit Boxes - a chance to get powerful offline servers and a lot of energy! And don't forget to pick up your free box every 4 hours!🚀 〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️ 🎉 Карнавал скидок в Fomohash продолжается! - 🔋 -43% на апгрейд энергии - 🌐 -59% на оффлайн сервера - ⚡️ -52% на пакеты энергии Для восполнения энергии и получения дополнительных наград открывайте Rabbit Box'ы — шанс получить мощные оффлайн сервера и много энергии! И не забывай забирать бесплатный бокс каждые 4 часа! 🚀
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Что такое ISM Manufacturing PMI?

(часть II) Порядок расчета PMI (ISM): ▪️Индекс PMI формируется на основе опросов менеджеров. Опросники высылаются менеджерам в начале каждого месяца. Вопросы касаются только текущего месяца. Опрос длится на протяжении всего месяца, но менеджеры, как правило, делятся ответами только под самый конец месяца. ▪️Менеджерам задают вопросы относительно разных аспектов их бизнеса: "стала ли ситуация лучше / не изменилась / хуже относительно предыдущего месяца?" К примеру: "Производство в вашей компании выросло / не изменилось/ сократилось"? Другими словами, каждый вопрос не требует развёрнутого ответа, только «да», «нет» и «не изменилось». ▪️PMI = 0.30 * New Orders (новые заказы) + 0.25 * Industrial production (производство) + 0.20 * Employment (занятость) + 0.15 * Supplier deliveries times (время доставки) + 0.10 * Inventories (товарные запасы) ▪️Сводный индекс PMI преобразуется математически таким образом, что имеет значение от 0 до 100: Index = (P1 * 1) + (P2 * 0,5) + (P3 * 0), где P1 - доля менеджеров, отметивших рост активности; P2 - доля менеджеров, отметивших неизменность активности; P3 - доля менеджеров, отметивших снижение активности. ▪️Индекс ISM manufacturing рассчитывается по результатам опроса представителей нескольких сотен компаний из 18 отраслей производственного сектора США. В отличие от S&P PMI, ISM учитывает в своем опросе не только частные компании, а основывается на общем списке NAICS (Системы классификации отраслей Северной Америки). Опрос ISM Services захватывает почти 400 компаний из 15 отраслей непроизводственного сектора. #справка #PMI #ISM
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Не забываем, что теперь NFT-скины из Bums можно стейкать в специальном приложении sFOMO
Приобрести их можно в магазине, выбирайте недостающие скины и покупай напрямую, даже если не успел выбить с боксов( Ссылка на BUMS 🗑 Карнавал скидок в Fomohash продолжается -43% На апгрейд энергии -59% На оффлайн сервера -52% На пакеты энергии Также не забывайте каждые 4 часа забирать один из боксов бесплатно! Ссылка на FOMO 🐇 Как у вас игры, не забыли? English 🇺🇸 Don't forget that NFT skins from Bums can now be steamed in the special sFOMO app You can purchase them in the store, choose the missing skins and buy directly, even if you didn't manage to knock off the boxes( Link to BUMS The carnival of discounts at Fomohash continues -43% On Energy Upgrade -59% On offline servers -52% On energy packs Also, don't forget to pick up one of the boxes for free every 4 hours! Link to FOMO How are your games going, remember? ⭐️ Crypto Chat | Exchange | ADS
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⚡️ Important for FOMOHASH pharma:
1️⃣ Open Rabbit Boxes to replenish energy, get offline servers and rare NFT rabbits. 2️⃣ Limited NFT Rabbits increase max energy and provide the ability to stake $FOMO . 3️⃣ - For maximum benefit, combine offline servers and normal mining mode. 4️⃣ Don't forget to pick up your free Rabbit Box every 4 hours. 〰️〰️ ⚡️ Важно для фарма FOMOHASH: 1️⃣Открывайте Rabbit Box'ы, чтобы восполнять энергию, получать оффлайн-серверы и редких NFT-кроликов. 2️⃣Лимитированные NFT-кролики увеличивают максимальную энергию и дают возможность стейкать в $FOMO. 3️⃣- Для максимальной выгоды комбинируйте оффлайн-сервера и обычный режим майнинга. 4️⃣ Не забывайте забирать бесплатный Rabbit Box каждые 4 часа.
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Изображение канала: 🍹Gin&TONic 🔥 Real-time xRocket cheques 💵
The Future of Toncoin
One of the popular channels published a post under which users were asked to answer the question "What is missing in 🤑 TON?" For your convenience, all ideas are grouped into categories and repetitions are removed. ⚡️ Infrastructure and technical improvements 🔵 Improving transaction speed and network performance (relevant for swaps, DEX and bridges), in real conditions under heavy load and not just on a test bench. 🔵 Official bridge to other blockchains (Ethereum, BSC, Solana, L2 Ethereum, etc.). 🔵 Optimization of oracles in bridges (so that transfers do not take from 7 hours to 12 days). 🔵 Launch of the official mempad by the TON Foundation. *TON Memelandia was launched last year, did not have much impact on TON. 🔵 Improving MEV bot algorithms, including mechanisms for returning part of the funds to users. 🔵 Introduction of limit orders on DEX and aggregators. 🔵 Improving support for existing projects and infrastructure. 🔵 Optimization of smart contracts to protect users (auto-vesting, prohibition of instant withdrawal of liquidity, etc.). 🔵 Developing a visual designer for dApps and mini-applications in TON (simplifying entry for new developers). 🔵 Optimization of Telegram Wallet and improvement of TON integration into #Telegram. 🔵 Reduced transaction fees. ⚡️ DeFi Development 🔵 More liquidity in the $TON ecosystem. 🔵 Access to major tokens ($ETH, $BTC, $SOL) on #DEX. 🔵 Liquidity pools with the ability to use three or more tokens. 🔵 Simplifying the #P2P marketplace and improving user instructions. 🔵 Introduction of TON Pay and TON Business for convenient payments within the ecosystem. ⚡️ Anti-fraud and transparency 🔵 Creation of a department to combat fraud within TON. 🔵 Checking token creators before launch (registration, reputation ratings). 🔵 A mechanism for quickly blocking scam channels and projects in Telegram. 🔵 Improving the transparency of the #TONFoundation and Telegram Mini Apps (disclosure of commands, #AMA sessions, public reports). 🔵 Introduction of risk insurance and user protection when investing in TON. ⚡️ Marketing and expansion 🔵 Scaling TON beyond the CIS (China, USA, Europe, Latin America). 🔵 Creation of official TON accounts on Weibo and other social networks for the Chinese audience. 🔵 Implementation of TON in large services. 🔵 Active work with bloggers and media to attract new users. 🔵 Improving educational programs and guides on TON. 🔵 Conducting large partnerships (for example, with Telegram Premium, marketplaces and gaming platforms). ⚡️ DAO, NFT and new mechanics 🔵 NFT marketplace with real digital assets (music, files, tokenization). 🔵 Gaming projects on TON with real monetization. 🔵 Tools for creating DAOs and custom #NFTs. 🔵 Integration of #Web3 authorization via Telegram. 🔵 Creating SocialFi initiatives and user reward mechanisms. 🔵 Launch of a #DeFi center inside TON (built-in swaps, staking, farming, #DAO). ⚡️ General ideas 🔵 Selling concert tickets in #NFT format with gamification (VIP upgrades, voting for tracks, digital rewards). * this idea is already being implemented by at least 2 projects, well-known editors. 🔵 SBT reward payouts and ecosystem activity. 🔵 Launch of a "kickstarter" to finance new projects in #TON with the support of the community. 🔵 Creating internal tokens with real utility, not just speculative instruments. 🔵 Introducing an additional token burning mechanism for economic sustainability. 🔄 To summarize, most of the participants in the discussion believe that TON needs: 👍 Improving technical infrastructure (bridges, speed, liquidity, DEX, DeFi). 👍 Improving security and combating scams (anti-fraud department, project verification). 👍 Global expansion (China, USA, Europe, partnerships). 👍 Marketing initiatives (media, bloggers, educational programs). 👍 Development of new products (DAO, NFT, SocialFi, Web3). 👍 Transparency and openness of the TON Foundation. Despite the current difficulties, TON has the potential for explosive growth 🤟, if it focuses on DeFi, mass adoption and game mechanics. ⚡️Boost | 🎞 YouTube | 𝕏 Twitter
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Изображение канала: CRYPTUS MEDIA
Затишье перед бурей?
Пока альта ищет дно, а индекс альтсезона болтается на уровне лета 2024, вспомним, что его к этому подтолкнуло. Как выглядели самые яркие новости последней недели👇 🟠 Экстремальный страх Индекс страха и жадности упал до 17, на отметку максимального страха. 🟠 Zora Сделали первый снэпшот и за три дня до TGE обещают сделать второй. Поэтому не забываем прогреть коши, например через NFT токены: Zora Yacht; Range Server; Trust. 🟠 Кучерявый Сэм дал интервью Интервью смотрели в прямом эфире с Кирюхой, запись залили на вк видео. Инсайтов и сигналов Сэм не давал, но послушать интересно. 🟠 Arbitrum На Оpensea запустили минт NFT с коллабой Arbitrum + Azuki + Uniswap = Arbzukiswap. Дедлайн 12 марта. 🟠 Linera Добавилось новое задание на Galxe. Ответы: B, C, A, C, D. 🟠 Биткоин в резерве Трамп подписал указ о создании стратегического биткоин-резерва, но пока только за счет тех монет, которые уже были. 🟠 Abstract Вернули ETH и запустили новый бейдж "GACHA", который можно получить, купив лотерейный билетик. Сейчас готовим мнение экспертов по последним событиям рынка. Накидайте 🐳, чтобы оно вышло быстрее. #РукаНаПульсе YouTube | Для новичков | Обменник | BingX
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Изображение канала: Gatto | Official Channel (18+)
Brave reward seekers, two mines in a row await you today 🎁🌋
Go on expeditions and win big prizes. The mines are scheduled to open (specified time is UTC): 💎 Precious Mine — from 10:00 to 12:00 💎 Diamond Mine — from 12:00 to 14:00 Both mines will take place in “King of the Mountain” mode. The expedition's chance of success will not increase, and the recharge time of the expedition after a successful grab will be greatly reduced. Whoever holds it the longest at the end of each mine will get all the prizes listed: 🪙🪙 Coins: Silver x500 Gold x1,000,000 🥕 Food: Carrots x10 Apples x10 Cakes x10 Pieces of Cake x10 🥚 Eggs: Ordinary Egg x10 Rare Egg x5 Mythical Egg x3 Legendary egg x1 Also: 🦠 Absolute Mutagen x1 👛 Pearlescent GattoBox x1 ❓Transferable NFT achievement "Territory Expansion" Mine takes place on the European server only. One mine — one winner. Additional rewards will be accrued by the end of the week. Learn more about mines in our Gatto guide. Play and win! 👀RU Отважные искатели наград, сегодня вас ждут две шахты подряд 🎁🌋 Отправляйтесь в экспедиции и выигрывайте большие призы. Открытие шахт по расписанию (указанное время — московское): 💎 Драгоценная шахта — с 13:00 до 15:00 💎 Алмазная шахта — с 15:00 до 17:00 Обе шахты пройдут в режиме «Царь горы». Шанс успеха экспедиции не будет расти, а время перезарядки экспедиции после успешного захвата сильно снизится. Тот, кто по итогам каждой из шахт удержит её дольше всех, получит все перечисленные призы: 🪙🪙 Монеты: Серебряные х500 Золотые х1,000,000 🥕 Еда: Морковки х10 Яблоки х10 Пирожные х10 Кусочки Торта х10 🥚 Яйца: Обычное яйцо х10 Редкое яйцо х5 Мифическое яйцо х3 Легендарное яйцо х1 А ещё: 🦠 Абсолютный мутаген х1 👛 Перламутровый ГаттоБокс х1 ❓Передаваемое NFT-достижение «Расширение территории» Шахта проходит только на европейском сервере. Одна шахта — один победитель. Дополнительная награда будет начислена до конца недели. Узнайте подробнее о шахтах в нашем Gatto гайде. Играйте и выигрывайте!
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Изображение канала: KRYPTO ZARYAD⚡️
🐾 Дополнительный дроп в PAWS проверяем?
Как ранее сообщали нам разработчики, за холд токенов WIF, BONK, PENGU, STNK, GIGA и Ai16z, а также за активное использование сервисов-партнеров, они будут раздавать дополнительный дроп, и его уже можно проверить. ⁉️ Как это сделать? 🟦 Перейдите на сайт. 🟦 Перейдите в раздел OG. 🟦 Подключите свой кошелек. 🟦 Проверьте дополнительный дроп. Помимо этого, появилась информация, что при выводе токенов на ByBit, можно будет получить еще около 15 000 токенов, но пока что, ждем официальных объявлений. 🫀🫀🫀  🔤🔤 🫀🫀🫀 🐾 Are we checking the additional drop in PAWS? As the developers previously informed us, for holding WIF, BONK, PENGU, STNK, GIGA and Ai16z tokens, as well as for the active use of partner services, they will distribute an additional drop, and it can already be checked. ⁉️ How to do this? 🟦 Go to the website. 🟦 Go to the OG section. 🟦 Connect your wallet. 🟦 Check the additional drop. In addition, information has appeared that when withdrawing tokens to ByBit, you can get about 15,000 more tokens, but for now, we are waiting for official announcements. |👥 Рефералы | ⭐️ Купить Stars | 💰 @CryptoZaryad |
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Изображение канала: Cryptic Crypto 🧠
Уже совсем скоро, торговать Эир Бриллиантами смогут все пользователи, имеющие на баланс 500+ Бриллиантов!
Также не забываем стейкать свои NFT-скины в sFOMO, получая дополнительные токены Ссылка на BUMS 🗑 Не забываем про совмещение оффлайн серверов и обычного режима майнинга! + Не забывайте каждые 4 часа забирать один из боксов бесплатно! Ссылка на FOMO 🐇 У вас как выходные, играли?) English 🇺🇸 Very soon, all users with 500+ Diamonds on their balance will be able to trade Eir Diamonds! Also, don't forget to steak your NFT skins in sFOMO, getting additional tokens Link to BUMS Don't forget about combining offline servers and regular mining mode! + Don't forget to pick up one of the boxes for free every 4 hours! Link to FOMO How was your weekend, did you play?) ⭐️ Crypto Chat | Exchange | ADS
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Изображение канала: DAILY COMBO Pigshousebot Rating Agent301 Mouse
🔄 CEXiO Quiz
Login to the project: /StartGame ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ ➡️Task: "Inside a Crypto Pump-and-Dump Scheme: The UGLY Truth!" 1. What do scammers often say to convince people to keep buying? ✔️"Diamond hands," "Buy the dip," and "This is just a correction" 2. What happens to the price of a coin during the pump? ✔️It skyrockets quickly due to artificial demand 3. What should you do if someone tells you a new coin is a "1000x opportunity"? ✔️Be skeptical and do your own research before investing 4. What happens to most investors who buy late in a pump-and-dump? ✔️They lose money as the price crashes 5. Where do pump-and-dump schemes usually start? ✔️Telegram groups, Discord servers, and Twitter accounts 6. Why do scammers move on to another coin after a dump? ✔️To repeat the cycle and scam new investors 7. How can you spot a potential pump-and-dump scheme? ✔️Sudden price spikes, aggressive marketing, and no real project utility 8. Who benefits the most from pump-and-dump schemes? ✔️The early buyers and insiders who sell at the peak 9. How do scammers create hype around a pump-and-dump coin? ✔️By using fake influencers, promotional tweets, and exaggerated price predictions 10. What is the main sign that a dump is about to happen? ✔️The price starts dipping after a rapid rise, and influencers go silent 11. What is the safest way to avoid being scammed in crypto? ✔️Understanding market manipulation, avoiding hype-driven investments, and doing independent research 12. What is a pump-and-dump scheme? ✔️A fraudulent strategy where a coin is hyped up and then dumped for profit ➡️Task: "How Celebrities Are Secretly Controlling the Crypto Market!" 1. What was the main reason many NFT projects collapsed after celebrity endorsements? ✔️The hype faded, and there was no real utility behind them 2. What was one of the main trends celebrities hyped up before crypto meme coins? ✔️NFTS 3. Why do celebrity-endorsed crypto projects keep happening? ✔️Because people keep falling for them, creating new opportunities for manipulation 4. How do celebrities usually get paid for promoting a crypto project? ✔️They receive large amounts of the token before the public knows about it 5. What should you do when a celebrity promotes a new crypto coin? ✔️Be skeptical and do your own research before investing 6. What typically happens after a celebrity-backed coin pumps? ✔️The celebrity sells their holdings, causing the price to crash 7. Why do celebrity-endorsed coins often rise in price quickly? ✔️Because their large fanbase rushes to buy after the endorsement 8. How do celebrities usually react when they are accused of pump-and-dump schemes? ✔️They disappear from the conversation or deny responsibility 9. Which of the following is a warning sign of a celebrity-backed crypto scam? ✔️Massive hype with little technical information 10. What is the safest strategy to avoid celebrity-backed crypto scams? ✔️Avoid investing in coins purely based on hype and endorsements 11. What is the main way celebrities manipulate the crypto market? ✔️They promote coins they secretly own and sell at a profit 12. What do celebrities often say after a pump-and-dump happens? ✔️"I never gave financial advice!" ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ 💬Chat ❕ 📹AllCode
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Изображение канала: Tokens Stream
🛡 U.S. Secret Service and Elliptic Take Down Russian Crypto Exchange Garantex
🚨 The U.S. Secret Service, with the assistance of blockchain analytics firm Elliptic, has successfully dismantled the sanctioned Russian cryptocurrency exchange Garantex and frozen $26 million in cryptoassets. This operation was announced on Friday. 💰 According to Elliptic's data, Garantex conducted over $60 billion in transactions since the U.S. and EU imposed sanctions in April 2022 for allegedly laundering funds related to ransomware, darknet markets, and North Korean cyberattacks. Despite attempts to obscure its wallet infrastructure, Garantex's total transactions reportedly exceeded $96 billion, including actions by Russian elites to evade sanctions following the Ukraine invasion. 🔍 The blockchain surveillance firm explained that Garantex used sophisticated cloaking techniques to avoid detection, such as rapidly generating new wallet addresses and utilizing specific privacy tools. Elliptic developed proprietary analytics to identify Garantex-controlled wallets, revealing that transactions were primarily conducted in the stablecoin USDT issued on the Tron blockchain. ⚖️ The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) referenced Elliptic’s intelligence in its indictment, which emphasized Garantex’s involvement in supporting Russian oligarchs and illicit actors. This takedown comes in the wake of recent events like the $1.4 billion Bybit theft, highlighting the role of rogue exchanges in global crime financing. 🔗 Elliptic pointed out the ongoing technological arms race between bad actors and compliance firms, noting that other sanctioned entities are now adopting Garantex’s tactics. The company asserted that its tools remain integrated into crypto businesses’ compliance programs to detect illicit transactions. This announcement follows Tether's freezing of millions of USDT held on Garantex, the exchange's cessation of operations, and the U.S. government's seizure of its website.
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Изображение канала: 🍹Gin&TONic 🔥 Real-time xRocket cheques 💵
Women in Web3 Are the Future of the Crypto World
In recent years, women have increasingly entered the world of cryptocurrency! According to research from the Triple A platform, women make up 37% of cryptocurrency owners worldwide , equivalent to over 118 million investors. 🌸 Investment preferences ➡️Cryptocurrencies: Popular assets among women include Bitcoin, Dogecoin and Ethereum. ➡️Strategies: About 70% of women investors prefer long-term investments, adhering to the "HODL" strategy. 🌸 Differences in approach to investments Women often demonstrate a more thoughtful and conservative approach to investing. For example, in Russia, 60% of female investors showed positive returns in 2024, which is higher than men. 🌸 Top 10 Most Influential Women in Cryptocurrency 1. Nicole Muniz is the CEO of Yuga Labs, a company known for its NFT projects, including Bored Ape Yacht Club. 2. Elizabeth Stark is the co-founder and CEO of Lightning Labs, a company developing solutions to scale the Bitcoin network using Lightning Network technology. 3. Cynthia Lummis is a U.S. Senator from Wyoming known for her legislative support of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies. 4. Caitlin Long is the founder and CEO of Custodia Bank, a financial institution that specializes in servicing cryptocurrency clients. 5. Meltem Demirors is the Chief Strategy Officer at CoinShares, a leading European digital asset management company. 6. Sheila Warren is the CEO of the Crypto Council for Innovation, an organization promoting responsible regulation and adoption of cryptocurrencies. 7. Cathie Wood is the founder, CEO, and chief investment officer of ARK Invest, an investment firm actively investing in blockchain and cryptocurrency technologies. 8. Kathleen Breitman is the co-founder of Tezos, a platform for smart contracts and decentralized applications. 9. Katherine Haun is a co-founder and general partner of Andreessen Horowitz (a16z) Crypto Fund, one of the largest venture capital funds investing in cryptocurrency projects. 10. Arianna Simpson is a partner at Andreessen Horowitz (a16z), specializing in investments in cryptocurrency and blockchain startups. 💐❤️ Dear Ladies, Happy March 8! May your investments grow steadily, your ambitions soar high, and new technologies unlock limitless possibilities for you. Keep inspiring, leading, and reaching new heights in the world of finance and beyond!
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Изображение канала: 🚀 xRocket Money 🚀
🔥 News from Fomohash ! 🔥
You have the opportunity to add NFT rabbits to your collection and use them for staking in $FOMO ! Don't forget about the importance of combining offline servers with regular mining mode to get the maximum benefit. 🎁 Rabbit Boxes are also available - open them to refill energy and get powerful offline servers. And every quarter of an hour you can pick up one free box! Stay tuned for updates and use all the opportunities for maximum profit!🚀 〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️ 🔥 Новость от Fomohash! 🔥 У вас есть возможность пополнить коллекцию NFT-кроликов и использовать их для стейкинга в $FOMO! Не забывайте про важность комбинирования оффлайн-серверов с обычным режимом майнинга, чтобы получить максимальную выгоду. 🎁 Также доступны Rabbit Box — открывайте их, чтобы пополнить энергию и получить мощные оффлайн-серверы. А каждую четверть часа можно забирать один бесплатный бокс! Следите за обновлениями и используйте все возможности для максимального профита! 🚀
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Изображение канала: Gatto | Official Channel (18+)
Fight with the Gatto team and be rewarded for it ⚔️👑
Will you be able to outplay the people behind the project with your strategies and skills? Only a direct confrontation will show that. And today we have a chance to test it. From 11:00 UTC we will be waiting for you in PvP mode. Join the game with $GTON, look for a player with the nickname GTeam and immediately enter the battle with him. All those who emerge victorious will receive additional rewards: 1 win — Mythic Gatto Box 🎁 2 wins — Legendary Gatto Box 🎁 3 wins — Weak Mutagen 🦠 4 wins — 25 Carrots 🥕 5 wins — 50 Apples 🍏 The more wins you have, the bigger the reward will be. For example, if you get 3 wins, in addition to the weak mutagen, you will get the prizes of the previous places: both the legendary gattobox and the mythical gattobox. The end of the event is March 7 at 12:30 UTC. Rewards will be accrued the following week. Only the European server is participating in the event. Play and win! 👀RU Сразитесь c командой Gatto и получите за это награду⚔️👑 Сможете ли вы своими стратегиями и умениями переиграть тех, кто стоял за разработкой проекта? Это покажет только прямое столкновение. И сегодня у нас есть шанс это проверить. С 14:00 по московскому времени мы будем поджидать вас на просторах PvP режима. Подключайтесь к игре со ставкой $GTON, ищите игрока с ником GTeam и немедленно вступайте с ним в схватку. Все те, кто одержат победу получат дополнительные награды: 1 победа — Мифический гаттобокс 🎁 2 победы — Легендарный гаттобокс 🎁 3 победы — Слабый мутаген 🦠 4 победы — 25 Морковок 🥕 5 побед — 50 Яблок 🍏 Чем больше у вас побед, тем больше будет награда. Например, если одержите 3 победы, то, помимо слабого мутагена, вы получите призы предыдущих мест: и легендарный гаттобокс, и мифический гаттобокс. Завершение события — 7 марта в 15:30. Награды будут начислены на следующей неделе. В ивенте участвует только европейский сервер. Играйте и выигрывайте!
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Изображение канала: CRYPTO TREYSI
💸 Why is a market crash beneficial for Trump?
Friends, the image above summarizes the rationale behind the current administration’s actions and the reasons why they negatively impact the market in the short term. 1️⃣ In the next six months, $7 trillion in debt needs to be repaid. If not, it will have to be refinanced. 2️⃣ The Trump administration does not want to refinance the debt at rates above 4%, yet this year, the yield on 10-year bonds reached 4.8%. 3️⃣ How can the yield on 10-year bonds be lowered? By creating the perception of slower economic growth, demonstrating that the inflation reduction program is working, and pushing for lower interest rates. To achieve this, tariffs are introduced, causing uncertainty in the markets. As a result, investors start selling stocks and buying bonds, which lowers their yields. 🔎 This, in turn, gives the Federal Reserve grounds to cut interest rates, making debt refinancing even cheaper. Although tariffs typically lead to higher inflation and should, in theory, increase bond yields, the opposite is happening: fear in the market is driving investors toward safe-haven assets — specifically, bonds. ❕ This is exactly what Trump’s team is aiming for in the short term — to reduce the cost of servicing the national debt 🔥 CRYPTO TREYSI | Subscribe
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Изображение канала: Crypto Fox Lab
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Major BOMBIE Update 🌕
➡️Bombie here ☝ 📆BOMBIE has announced a major update. Server maintenance will begin on March 7th at 03:00 UTC. ➡️ The team has announced a special in-game event to celebrate International Women's Day. Join and receive exclusive rewards. 😼 More from Catizen: ➡️Catizen game center here☝ ➡️Vanilla Finance here☝ ➡️Cattea here☝ 🦊 Channel | 💬 Chat | ⭐ Voice | OKX ✨ | BingX 🔀 | 🪓 Game Put 🦊 if the post was interesting! Share in the comments, enter the chat
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Изображение канала: 🚀 xRocket Money 🚀
✨ Maximum benefit with $FOMO!🐰💎
🔥 There are no updates expected in Fomohash yet, but it's a great time to get the most out of mining! 📦 Rabbit Box is your key to profit! ✅ Replenish your energy🌀 ✅ Get powerful offline servers🖥 ✅ Knock out limited edition NFT bunnies🐇 ✅ Use them for staking in $FOMO💰 ⚡️ Don't forget to pick up your free Rabbit Box every 4 hours to increase your maximum energy and recoup some of the energy you've spent !🏆 💚 Make the most of this opportunity and earn more $FOMO!🚀 〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️ ✨ Максимальная выгода с $FOMO! 🐰💎 🔥 Пока в Fomohash обновлений не ожидается, но это отличное время, чтобы извлечь максимум из майнинга! 📦 Rabbit Box — ваш ключ к выгоде! ✅ Восполняйте энергию 🌀 ✅ Получайте мощные оффлайн-серверы 🖥 ✅ Выбивайте лимитированных NFT-кроликов 🐇 ✅ Используйте их для стейкинга в $FOMO 💰 ⚡️ Не забывайте забирать бесплатный Rabbit Box каждые 4 часа, чтобы увеличить максимум энергии и компенсировать часть потраченного! 🏆 💚 Используйте шанс по максимуму и зарабатывайте больше $FOMO! 🚀
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Изображение канала: 🍹Gin&TONic 🔥 Real-time xRocket cheques 💵
👍 XBANKING Research – Your New All-in-One Crypto Hub
In crypto, staying ahead means diving into news streams, analyzing dozens of sources, and tracking trends every day. It demands constant attention, time, and resources that could be spent on truly important decisions. XBANKING has launched 🔎 Research – a free platform that brings together all the essential tools for market analysis and earning in #Web3, some of which even outperform paid alternatives. What’s inside? • Crypto News – an aggregator that delivers key insights on market-moving events. • Insights – behavioral analytics: blockchain & social media data, market forecasts. • Investors – track who invests, where, and how much (1,500+ funds and crypto angels). • Airdrops & Testnets – catch the hottest opportunities before anyone else + guides on setting up validation nodes. • Tools – 150+ services for #DeFi, #NFT, #DAO, and security management. 🔥 Coming soon – the largest Web3 job aggregator, forum, grant catalog, marketplace for key events, and much more! 🥇 We believe the team has done an outstanding job! We haven’t seen any other platform that brings together this much valuable information in such a well-structured and user-friendly way. 👍 This is a total game-changer! Check it out
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