5️⃣ Final drop for ELECTRO miners!

These are the big whales of the We remember last February — things got wild on. Secondary market: 500-600 $TON, OTC 2000 $TON Thank you $GRAM and the $TON for making it happen. Let’s make this February even hotter, guys! drop: tonviewer.com/transaction collection: getgems.io/theminersclub

Секунды, которые меняют рынок с BigPump ⬛️

Путь на Луну — 384 400 километров, и мы часто думаем, что это очень далеко. Но что если сказать, что свет может преодолеть это расстояние 1,28 раза за одну секунду? Звучит невероятно, правда? Но крипторынок и BigPump могут двигаться с такой же скоростью. Время это то, что все теряют, гоняясь за новыми возможностями. Но на BigPump время не тратится. С момента листинга токенов ваша возможность начать торговлю — это не часы и не минуты, а мгновение. Время не просто не стоит на месте, оно ускоряется. Например, раньше, чтобы узнать информацию о токене, вам нужно было проходить через несколько платформ, читать отчеты, искать тренды. Сегодня вы получаете все это в несколько кликов, а данные обновляются в реальном времени, без замедлений. Представьте, что каждая секунда на рынке — это возможность. Если бы вы могли мгновенно получать доступ к аналитике, статистике и всем важным данным, что бы вы могли сделать за несколько секунд? Оценить токен? Среагировать на новость? Так работает BigPump — платформа, где скорость не просто характеристика, а главный принцип. И это реальность для тех, кто решит перейти на новый уровень торговли 🌠

Мой список топовых аппок 🔥

⭐️ STARS — рейтинговое приложение в котором проходит дроп за простые задания. Залетаем в новый гив 👉 Ссылка 🟡 DUCK — свежий проект, начавший свою работу. Выполняйте таски и приглашайте друзей, в будущем за это можно будет получить дроп. 🗑 BUMS — это аппка, где вы начинаете качать бомжа и пробиватся к роскошной жизни, выполняя задания и апгрейдя персонажа. Обнова 👉 Ссылка 🏴‍☠️ Memhash — игра для майнинга. Теперь в игре можно купить усиления за $TON. Что дальше? 👉 Ссылка ⭐️ Starshash — тут самое крутое — это возможность купить свой виртуальный майнер. 🐇 Fomohash — майнер от Bums. Лучший оффлайн режим — делегировать энергию в пул. Всё работает само, а вы в плюсах. В аппке появились экслюзивные Rabbit Box. 🎮 SEED App — Вайтлист 👉 Ссылка 🪙 TERMINAL — апка в телеге, где можно заработывать токены $TON и $TERMINAL. Скам? 👉 Ссылка 🐾 PAWS — проходим квесты и забираем PAWS. Снова новое задание 👉 Ссылка 🔸 Собираем монетки в Moonbix от Binance 🌐 Проект от биржи OKX — OKX Racer Включаем Auto-driving и забираем поинты каждые 3 часа ☑️. 🐶 DOGS — рейтинговое приложение в Telegram с дропами за выполнение простых заданий и токенизированными наклейками. Собаки раздали подарки 👉 Ссылка 🐥 DUCK × MY × DUCK —Кормите уток, зарабатывайте $DMD, скрещивайте их с друзьями и ищите редких легендарных Уток. Утки за TON 👉 Ссылка 🔄Hold to Earn — это приложение представляющее собой launchpool-платформу для топовых криптопроектов. Клейм $WOOF уже доступен 👉 Ссылка 🤑 Не забываем про ежедневный чек-ин — отметится. И вступаем в мой сквад BLUM — сквад дает буст +10% к фарму. Fake AI vs. Real AI — AICOIN Все коды к видео (список можно развернуть): How to Memecoin? — MEMEBLUM Token Burning: How & Why? — ONFIRE Bitcoin Rainbow Chart? — SOBLUM Crypto Terms. Part1 — BLUMEXPLORER How to trade Perps? — CRYPTOFAN Sharding Explained: — Blumtastic DeFi Explained — BLUMFORCE How To Find Altcoins? — ULTRABLUM Crypto Slang. Part 1 — BLUMSTORM What is On-chain Analysis? — Blumextra Pumptober Special — PUMPIT DeFi Risks: Key insights — Blumhelps Crypto Slang. Part 2 — FOMOOO Choosing a Crypto Exchange — Cryptozone NodeSales in Crypto — BLUMIFY What's Crypto DEX? — DEXXX What is Slippage? — CRYPTOBUZZ Understanding Gas Fees — CRYPTOGAS What's next for DEFi? — BLUMNOW Smart Contracts 101 — SMARTBLUM Crypto Slang. Part 3 — BOOBLUM Regulation: Yay or Nay? — Blumsss DEX History — Godex Crypto Regulations #2 — Blumrules P2P Trading safety tips — BLUMTIPS Crypto Communities — Blummunity Is Binance a DEX? — Blumies DEX Evolution — BLUMSPARK Dec 6 Crypto News — HUNDRED Crypto Slang: Part 4 — LAMBOBLUM Memepad Tutorial — Memepad DEX History #3 — LOVEBLUM Blum CMO @ Blockchain Life — Blumislife Crypto Slang. Part 5 — GONNABLUM What is Uniswap? — Blumshine Blum COO @ Blockchain Life — LIFEISBLUM History of Bitcoin — BIGPIZZA Future of Telegram. Part 1 - TAPBLUM Blum CEO @ Binance Blockchai… - BLUMGOALS Telegram Trends #2 — BLUUUM Blum at Binance Blockchain… — BLUMWEEK. Telegram Trends #3 — MEGABLUM Telegram Trends #4 — GOTAP Crypto Market 2025 — Crypto2025 Community Building — BUILD Can Bitcoin be Hacked? —QuantumBTC Blum and TOP — TOP BITGET on TON with Vladimir Smerkis — Bitget S1 Weekly Giveaway — GIVEAWAY Chartered Cities Explained — PROSPERA Season 1 First Giveaway — BLUMCHATS Fake AI vs. Real AI — AICOIN Какая, по вашему мнению, аппка имеет наибольшие перспективы? 🅰️ Ataman Apps | 💬 Чат

🟥 Instant trading after listing в BigPump!

📝 В BigPump была устранена задержка и теперь вы можете торговать мемкоинами в ту секунду, когда они запускаются, не выходя из приложения. 🔎 Новое в обновлении: 🟡 Мгновенная индексация 🟡 Актуальная статистика токенов 🟡 Обновления держателей токенов 🟡 Продолжайте торговать в BigPump и фармить токены в PocketFi. 🌟 @PocketFi ❤️❤️❤️ ⭐️ Купить Stars |👥 Рефералы | 💎 Список проектов
🎲 $100 Up for Grabs Every Night!
Guess Dice, Win Big The thrill of victory 🏆 is closer than you think! 🚀 Here’s how to join: 1️⃣ Open the Dice mini-app 2️⃣ Connect your wallet and join the table. 3️⃣ Submit your prediction for the dice outcome. 4️⃣ Join our Dice Channel to watch the live roll and see if you’ve hit the jackpot! 🤑 It’s free, it’s fun, and it could be your big win! 📢 join now and start earning!
👉 Актуальные TMA
⭐️ STARS — рейтинговое приложение в котором проходит дроп за простые задания. Как купить бандл для гива? 👉 Ссылка 🟡 DUCK — свежий проект, начавший свою работу. Выполняйте таски и приглашайте друзей, в будущем за это можно будет получить дроп. 🗑 BUMS — это аппка, где вы начинаете качать бомжа и пробиватся к роскошной жизни, выполняя задания и апгрейдя персонажа. Бомжи запустили NFT коллекцию 👉 Ссылка 🏴‍☠️ Memhash — игра для майнинга. Теперь в игре можно купить усиления за $TON. Что дальше? 👉 Ссылка ⭐️ Starshash — тут самое крутое — это возможность купить свой виртуальный майнер. 🐇 Fomohash — майнер от Bums. Лучший оффлайн режим — делегировать энергию в пул. Всё работает само, а вы в плюсах. Скидки будут действовать еще час. 🎮 SEED App — Два токена, которые двигают SEED 👉 Ссылка 🪙 TERMINAL — апка в телеге, где можно заработывать токены $TON и $TERMINAL. Скам? 👉 Ссылка 🐾 PAWS — проходим квесты и забираем PAWS. На этой неделе должен появиться чекер активности. 🔸 Собираем монетки в Moonbix от Binance 🌐 Проект от биржи OKX — OKX Racer Включаем Auto-driving и забираем поинты каждые 3 часа ☑️. 🐶 DOGS — рейтинговое приложение в Telegram с дропами за выполнение простых заданий и токенизированными наклейками. Собаки раздали подарки 👉 Ссылка 🐥 DUCK × MY × DUCK —Кормите уток, зарабатывайте $DMD, скрещивайте их с друзьями и ищите редких легендарных Уток. Утки за TON 👉 Ссылка 🔄Hold to Earn — это приложение представляющее собой launchpool-платформу для топовых криптопроектов. Клейм $WOOF уже доступен 👉 Ссылка 🤑 Не забываем про ежедневный чек-ин — отметится. И вступаем в мой сквад BLUM — сквад дает буст +10% к фарму. Fake AI vs. Real AI — AICOIN Все коды к видео (список можно развернуть): How to Memecoin? — MEMEBLUM Token Burning: How & Why? — ONFIRE Bitcoin Rainbow Chart? — SOBLUM Crypto Terms. Part1 — BLUMEXPLORER How to trade Perps? — CRYPTOFAN Sharding Explained: — Blumtastic DeFi Explained — BLUMFORCE How To Find Altcoins? — ULTRABLUM Crypto Slang. Part 1 — BLUMSTORM What is On-chain Analysis? — Blumextra Pumptober Special — PUMPIT DeFi Risks: Key insights — Blumhelps Crypto Slang. Part 2 — FOMOOO Choosing a Crypto Exchange — Cryptozone NodeSales in Crypto — BLUMIFY What's Crypto DEX? — DEXXX What is Slippage? — CRYPTOBUZZ Understanding Gas Fees — CRYPTOGAS What's next for DEFi? — BLUMNOW Smart Contracts 101 — SMARTBLUM Crypto Slang. Part 3 — BOOBLUM Regulation: Yay or Nay? — Blumsss DEX History — Godex Crypto Regulations #2 — Blumrules P2P Trading safety tips — BLUMTIPS Crypto Communities — Blummunity Is Binance a DEX? — Blumies DEX Evolution — BLUMSPARK Dec 6 Crypto News — HUNDRED Crypto Slang: Part 4 — LAMBOBLUM Memepad Tutorial — Memepad DEX History #3 — LOVEBLUM Blum CMO @ Blockchain Life — Blumislife Crypto Slang. Part 5 — GONNABLUM What is Uniswap? — Blumshine Blum COO @ Blockchain Life — LIFEISBLUM History of Bitcoin — BIGPIZZA Future of Telegram. Part 1 - TAPBLUM Blum CEO @ Binance Blockchai… - BLUMGOALS Telegram Trends #2 — BLUUUM Blum at Binance Blockchain… — BLUMWEEK. Telegram Trends #3 — MEGABLUM Telegram Trends #4 — GOTAP Crypto Market 2025 — Crypto2025 Community Building — BUILD Can Bitcoin be Hacked? —QuantumBTC Blum and TOP — TOP BITGET on TON with Vladimir Smerkis — Bitget S1 Weekly Giveaway — GIVEAWAY Chartered Cities Explained — PROSPERA Season 1 First Giveaway — BLUMCHATS Fake AI vs. Real AI — AICOIN 🅰️ Ataman Apps | 💬 Чат
Изображение канала: DAILY COMBO Pigshousebot Rating Agent301 Mouse
💡 Y Bot Learning Task
Login to the project: /StartGame 🎓Week 3. Today’s Lesson 1 - What are Wallets and Their Types Q: What do crypto wallets actually store? A: Private keys. Q: Where do non-custodial wallets store private keys? A: On the device where the wallet is installed. Q: What kind of wallet is Metamask? A: Non-custodial wallet. Q: How many millions of users do Ledger wallets have? A: 6. 🎓Week 3. Today’s Lesson 2 - Setting Up Your Wallet Q: How are non-custodial wallets better than custodial ones? A: Non-custodial wallets let users control their keys and funds. Q: Why is it important to install wallets from the official websites? A: To prevent installing fake apps. Q: What does the seed phrase contain? A: A private key. Q: How many millions of USD were stolen due to poor private key management in 2023? A: 560 🎓Week 3. Today’s Lesson 3 - Wallets and Private Keys Q: What does it mean to backup a crypto wallet recovery phrase? A: To copy it to a safe place. Q: What is the best place to store a wallet backup? A: A notepad, a USB stick, or any other offline physical storage. Q: Who can you trust with your recovery phrase or private key? A: No one. Q: What does a recovery phrase look like? A: A phrase of 12 words. 🎓Week 3. Today’s Lesson 4 - Advanced Security Measures Q: What does 2FA stand for? A: Two-factor authentication. Q: How are multisignature wallets different from regular ones? A: They require a transaction to be signed with multiple private keys. Q: What is the safest wallet in the list? A: Hardware wallet. Q: Pick the hardware wallet. A: Looks like a USB flash drive. 🎓Week 3. Today’s Lesson 5 - Protecting Your Digital Identity Q: Why it’s important to keep crypto holdings a secret? A: There’s a chance thieves will use this information to rob you. Q: What does cryptos’ pseudo-anonymity mean? A: One can’t identify the wallet’s owner identity without additional hints. Q: Why it’s not wise to share your phone number and other contacts online? A: You’ll be targeted by scammers. Q: How many millions of USD has the most famous SIM swapping gang stolen? A: 400 🎓Week 3. Today’s Lesson 6 - Understanding Scams in Crypto - Part 1 Q: What is a Ponzi scheme? A: A scam that pays returns to older investors using the money from new investors. Q: What is a rug-pull? A: A project that ends with founders stealing all invested money, rugging investors. Q: How do scams lure crypto newcomers into investing money? A: They promise way higher returns than others exploiting greed. Q: How many billions were lost by the investors of OneCoin, the biggest crypto scam in history? A: 4 🎓 Week 3. Today’s Lesson 7 - Understanding Scams in Crypto - Part 2 Q: What is phishing in crypto? A: Luring people into fake apps to steal their crypto. Q: How do romance scams trick people into sending crypto assets? A: By building fake virtual relationships and asking for funds. Q: What are crypto drainers? A: Malicious smart contracts which drain the wallet once it is connected. Q: The OpenSea phishing hack happened in … A: 2022 💬Chat  ⬅️Week 2 Week 4➡️
Изображение канала: bemo
🚀 bemo Fam, get ready for another insight-packed episode!
This time, we’re talking liquidity and strategy with two powerhouse guests: TONCO & EVAA. As DeFi evolves, even the biggest players discuss their liquidity strategies. How does volatility affect liquidity? Are current approaches strong enough to handle it? TONCO & EVAA will break it all down—no fluff, just real insights😎 🗓 Mark your calendars: Thursday, February 6, 5 PM GMT+3 📍 Live on X Spaces + bemo Telegram Channel 🎙️ Special Guest: 🔥 TONCO – Next-Gen DEX on TON w/ Concentrated Liquidity 4 better capital efficiency. 🔥 EVAA – The #1 Lending protocol on TON. What’s on the Agenda? 🔥 Market Volatility & Liquidity – What users should know. ⚖️ Hedging vs. LST – Which works best, and when? 👁Liquidity Strategies Under the Microscope Join the conversation, ask your questions, and get a chance to win 💰 prizes for the coolest questions and for your activity during the AMA. Let’s make this epic! 🕶️🎙️💥 #bemoTalks App | Mini App | X | Telegram EN / RU | Blog
Изображение канала: Semenchuk's thoughts
🌆 Spotlight on CITY Holder 🌆
In this edition of the Venom dApp Spotlight, we sat down with the team behind @CITY_Holder, the wildly popular Telegram game where players build their own cities, complete tasks, and earn rewards 🏆. 💬 The team shares insights into: 🔹 The role of strategy in CITY Holder 🔹 What sets it apart from other Telegram games 🔹 Exciting plans for the future 👉 Check out the full interview here: https://medium.com/@venom.foundation/venom-dapp-spotlight-city-holder-75bd9083110a 👈 A big thank you to the CITY Holder team for sharing their journey. Stay tuned for our next dApp Spotlight! 👋
Изображение канала: Meta Silense TON
What exactly happened? 🔫
The first crypto-president gifted the crypto market the biggest liquidation in its history! According to Coinglass data, $2.38 billion in crypto was liquidated in a single day. For better context, during the collapses of LUNA and FTX, only $1.6 billion was liquidated. If this continues, it looks like we’re in for 4 more years of market volatility because of Trump! 💣 Where the SEC or the Federal Reserve used to fuel the FUD, now it's Trump, his family, and his administration doing it personally. We’re painting masterpieces with dirt! RU version post Meta. Subscribe
Изображение канала: Gatto | Official Channel (18+)
Gold mine is open 🌋
Go on big or small expeditions and win — gold is waiting for its owners. This time the mine works without special rewards according to standard rules. The mine closes at 15:00 UTC. 👀RU Золотая шахта открыта 🌋 Отправляйтесь в большие или малые экспедиции и выигрывайте — золото ждёт своих обладателей. В этот раз шахта работает без особых наград по стандартным правилам. Закрытие шахты в 18:00 по московскому времени.
Изображение канала: Business | crypto |Trading 🚀
❕ Crypto Market Drops as Scimitar Capital Reportedly Liquidates Holdings
A sudden selloff in altcoins is rumored to be linked to Scimitar Capital’s decision to liquidate its crypto holdings, returning capital to investors. The market-wide drop saw Bitcoin fall 4% and the global crypto market cap shrink by 5.74% to $1.04 trillion. Altcoins like Cardano (ADA) and Solana (SOL) took the biggest hit, losing over 24% in the past 24 hours. Reports suggest Scimitar offloaded $2 billion in altcoins, triggering the decline, though the firm’s online presence remains limited. 📌 Share and Join @Business_crypto_trading
Изображение канала: Crypto Djama
When you panic-sold your entire portfolio this morning, and then in the evening, you see the prices…
🔥 The Market Exploded: Record Liquidations and What It Means? Today’s drop surpassed even the worst crashes during COVID. 📉 What Happened? The total liquidations exceeded $10 billion, and this might not even be the full picture. Official data showed $2+ billion in liquidations, but the CEO of Bybit stated that the actual numbers are much higher—API limitations restrict data flow. The same applies to other exchanges, which conceal the full scale of liquidations. ⚠️ Manipulation! How about this scenario: 🔹 The dump happened on a weekend, when retail investors can’t deposit fiat to buy the dip. 🔹 The tariff news was already priced in, yet suddenly, it’s used as a new reason for a market crash. 🔹 Asian markets were inactive, liquidity was low—perfect conditions for a crash test. Binance and Wintermute are already being accused of market manipulation, but, of course, Wintermute’s CEO denies everything. What else would he say? 🟢 Whales Are Not Panicking at the Bottom I spent the whole day monitoring wallets holding between $100 million and several billion—they are all buying the dip. Meanwhile, wallets with less than $1 million are selling. Out of all major players, only two insider wallets completely exited before the crash. Here’s something interesting: During previous bull runs, Bitcoin fell 25-40% in similar manipulations. This time, it only dropped 11%. Meanwhile, Ethereum crashed 40% in the worst moments! The 7 Siblings fund bought over $100 million worth of Ethereum. Last time they bought during a big dip, and guess what? The market recovered afterward. 🟢 Retail Panic Everywhere On Twitter, in chats—everywhere—people are screaming: “The bull market is over, it’s the bottom again!” But the market always moves against the crowd. This spectacle is being played out not for the first time. ⚡ Political Developments • Trump and David Sacks will hold a press conference on the future of digital assets in the US. • Trump spoke with Trudeau and already postponed tariffs on Mexican imports. Let’s not forget—tariffs on Canada, Mexico, and China were the trigger for this market crash. 📅 What’s Next? Bull markets always shake out the weak hands, and this will happen every time after a strong rally. 🔸 Now – Growth, new ATH 🔹 Then – Correction 🔸 Then – New ATH 🔹 Summer – Another correction 🔸 End of July – Early August – Second wave of growth 🔹 December – Peak with a new ATH 🔸 2026 – Bear market Today, I reassessed everything, and this is the current picture I see. Of course, I adjust my forecast every 2-3 months, so I’ll keep you updated. I get it—it’s mentally painful to look at your portfolio after a crash like this. The thoughts consume you, FOMO eats away at you. If only I had bought now instead of earlier… But you didn’t know. Nobody knew. If we all knew what would happen in the future, we’d already be billionaires. But the market is always a game of probabilities. The key is to keep a cool head and stick to your plan. There will always be dips, and there will always be growth. This is not the first crash and won’t be the last. 📢 Conclusion: Don’t let yourself get shaken out of the rocket! Take care of your heart—there’s a lot more excitement ahead. 🚀
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Изображение канала: Gem Hunters Apps
Список топовых мини-аппок 🔝
⭐️ STARS — рейтинговое приложение в котором проходит дроп за простые задания. Как купить бандл для гива? 👉 Ссылка 🟡 DUCK — свежий проект, начавший свою работу. Выполняйте таски и приглашайте друзей, в будущем за это можно будет получить дроп. 🗑 BUMS — это аппка, где вы начинаете качать бомжа и пробиватся к роскошной жизни, выполняя задания и апгрейдя персонажа. 10-ая финальная лотерея 👉 Ссылка 🏴‍☠️ Memhash — игра для майнинга. Теперь в игре можно купить усиления за $TON. Коды ⬇️ dont_miss_memhash_liveevent_50000_usd _dont_miss_the_event_ stream_starts_in_2_hours ⭐️ Starshash — тут самое крутое — это возможность купить свой виртуальный майнер. 🐇 Fomohash — майнер от Bums. Лучший оффлайн режим — делегировать энергию в пул. Всё работает само, а вы в плюсах. Оффлайн-майнинг 👉 Ссылка 🎮 SEED App — Два токена, которые двигают SEED 👉 Ссылка 🪙 TERMINAL — апка в телеге, где можно заработывать токены $TON и $TERMINAL. Скам или нет? 🐾 PAWS — проходим квесты и забираем PAWS. Последний шанс обновить значок и забрать wPAWS 👉 Ссылка 🔸 Собираем монетки в Moonbix от Binance 🌐 Проект от биржи OKX — OKX Racer Включаем Auto-driving и забираем поинты каждые 3 часа ☑️. 🐶 DOGS — рейтинговое приложение в Telegram с дропами за выполнение простых заданий и токенизированными наклейками. Собаки раздали подарки 👉 Ссылка 🐥 DUCK × MY × DUCK —Кормите уток, зарабатывайте $DMD, скрещивайте их с друзьями и ищите редких легендарных Уток. Утки за TON 👉 Ссылка 🔄Hold to Earn — это приложение представляющее собой launchpool-платформу для топовых криптопроектов. Ждём новые интересные пулы. 🤑 Не забываем про ежедневный чек-ин — отметится. И вступаем в мой сквад BLUM — сквад дает буст +10% к фарму. 👉 Fake AI vs. Real AI — AICOIN Все коды к видео (список можно развернуть): How to Memecoin? — MEMEBLUM Token Burning: How & Why? — ONFIRE Bitcoin Rainbow Chart? — SOBLUM Crypto Terms. Part1 — BLUMEXPLORER How to trade Perps? — CRYPTOFAN Sharding Explained: — Blumtastic DeFi Explained — BLUMFORCE How To Find Altcoins? — ULTRABLUM Crypto Slang. Part 1 — BLUMSTORM What is On-chain Analysis? — Blumextra Pumptober Special — PUMPIT DeFi Risks: Key insights — Blumhelps Crypto Slang. Part 2 — FOMOOO Choosing a Crypto Exchange — Cryptozone NodeSales in Crypto — BLUMIFY What's Crypto DEX? — DEXXX What is Slippage? — CRYPTOBUZZ Understanding Gas Fees — CRYPTOGAS What's next for DEFi? — BLUMNOW Smart Contracts 101 — SMARTBLUM Crypto Slang. Part 3 — BOOBLUM Regulation: Yay or Nay? — Blumsss DEX History — Godex Crypto Regulations #2 — Blumrules P2P Trading safety tips — BLUMTIPS Crypto Communities — Blummunity Is Binance a DEX? — Blumies DEX Evolution — BLUMSPARK Dec 6 Crypto News — HUNDRED Crypto Slang: Part 4 — LAMBOBLUM Memepad Tutorial — Memepad DEX History #3 — LOVEBLUM Blum CMO @ Blockchain Life — Blumislife Crypto Slang. Part 5 — GONNABLUM What is Uniswap? — Blumshine Blum COO @ Blockchain Life — LIFEISBLUM History of Bitcoin — BIGPIZZA Future of Telegram. Part 1 - TAPBLUM Blum CEO @ Binance Blockchai… - BLUMGOALS Telegram Trends #2 — BLUUUM Blum at Binance Blockchain… — BLUMWEEK. Telegram Trends #3 — MEGABLUM Telegram Trends #4 — GOTAP Crypto Market 2025 — Crypto2025 Community Building — BUILD Can Bitcoin be Hacked? —QuantumBTC Blum and TOP — TOP BITGET on TON with Vladimir Smerkis — Bitget S1 Weekly Giveaway — GIVEAWAY Chartered Cities Explained — PROSPERA Season 1 First Giveaway — BLUMCHATS Fake AI vs. Real AI — AICOIN 🅰️ Ataman Apps | 💬 Чат
Изображение канала: Not Combo
в 💎 BLUM 🔣 Fake AI vs. Real A - AICOIN 🔣 Season 1 First Giveaway — BLUMCHATS 🔣 Chartered Cities Explained — PROSPERA Тапни 👇 чтобы развернуть полностью 👉 "тык" чтобы скопировать код автоматически 🔣How to Analyze Crypto? - VALUE 🔣Forks Explained - GO GET 🔣Secure your Crypto! - BEST PROJECT EVER 🔣Navigating Crypto - HEYBLUM 🔣What are Telegram Mini Apps? - CRYPTOBLUM 🔣Say No to Rug Pull! - SUPERBLUM 🔣What Are AMMs? - CRYPTOSMART 🔣Liquidity Pools Guide - BLUEGRASS 🔣$2.5M+ DOGS Airdrop - HAPPYDOGS 🔣Doxxing? What's that? - NODOXXING 🔣Pre-Market Trading? - WOWBLUM 🔣How to Memecoin? - MEMEBLUM 🔣Token Burning: How & Why? - ONFIRE 🔣Bitcoin Rainbow Chart? - SOBLUM 🔣Crypto Terms. Part 1 - BLUMEXPLORER 🔣How to trade Perps? - CRYPTOFAN 🔣Sharding Explained - BLUMTASTIC 🔣DeFi Explained - BLUMFORCE 🔣How To Find Altcoins - ULTRABLUM 🔣Crypto Slang. Part 1 - BLUMSTORM 🔣What is On-chain Analysis? - BLUMEXTRA 🔣Pumptober Special - PUMPIT 🔣DeFi Risks: Key Insights - BLUMHELPS 🔣Crypto Slang. Part 2 - FOMOOO 🔣Choosing a Crypto Exchange - CRYPTOZONE 🔣Node Sales in Crypto - BLUMIFY 🔣What's Crypto DEX? - DEXXX 🔣Understanding Gas Fees - CRYPTOGAS 🔣What is Slippage? - CRYPTOBUZZ 🔣What’s Next for DeFi - BLUMNOW 🔣Smart Contracts 101 - SMARTBLUM 🔣Crypto Slang. Part 3 - BOOBLUM 🔣Regulation: Yay or Nay? - BUMS 🔣DEC HISTORY - GODEX 🔣Crypto Regulations #2 - BLUMRULES 🔣P2P Trading Safety Tips - BLUMTIPS 🔣Crypto Communities - BLUMMUNITY 🔣Binance a Dex? - Blumies 🔣Dex Evolution - Blumspark 🔣Dec 6 Crypto News — HUNDRED 🔣Crypto Slang. Part 4 - LAMBOBLUM 🔣Memepad Tutorial — MEMEPADш 🔣DEX History #3 — LOVEBLUM 🔣Dec 12 News - RIPPLE 🔣Dec 13 News - BITCOINJESUS 🔣Blum CMO @ Blockchain Life — BLUMISLIFE 🔣Crypto in Everyday Life — BLUMANCE 🔣Dec 10 News - ELSALVADOR 🔣Dec 16 News - BITCOIN 🔣Dec 17 News - Kendrick 🔣Dec 18 News - Mark 🔣Crypto Slang. Part 5 — GONNABLUM 🔣What is Uniswap? — BLUMSHINE 🔣Dec 20 News - TRUMP 🔣History of Bitcoin — BIGPIZZA 🔣Blum COO @ Blockchain Life — LIFEISBLUM 🔣Future of Telegram part 1 - TAPBLUM 🔣Blum CEO @ Binance - BLUMGOALS 🔣Telegram Trends #2 — BLUM 🔣Blum at Binance Blockchain Week — BLUMWEEK 🔣Telegram Trends #3 — MEGABLUM 🔣Telegram Trends #4 — GOTTA 🔣Crypto market 2025 — CRYPTO2025 🔣Community Building — BUILD 🔣Can Bitcoin be Hacked? — QUANTUMBTC 🔣Blum and TOP - TOP 🔣BITGET on TON with Vlad Smerkis — BOTHER Ставь -🔥 если забрал код ⚡️ #TonusCrypto #Blum #ton
Изображение канала: Crypto Candy(free)
$2B+ liquidated.One of the biggest liqudation in recent times.Don't try to catch the falling knife.
Stay Safe !!!
Изображение канала: Crypto Djama
The market is testing us. But we are not here for an easy ride.
The market is falling, fear is spreading across the news feeds, and panic is taking over. You look at the red candles and think: “What if this is really the end?” But let’s remember—how many times has this happened before? How many times has the market “died,” shaken out the weak, only to recover and set new ATHs? This is a game of nerves. A game where only the patient win. ⚡ They want you to sell. ⚡ They want you to give up. ⚡ They want to take your coins at a discount while you’re panicking. But you are not their victim. You didn’t come here for 20% profits—you came for 500-1000%, for the real moves. But if you want 5x–10x, you must understand that the path won’t be straight. Spot portfolios are down 20-50%? That’s inevitable. Look at how many months BTC has been growing while alts have been falling. It’s impossible not to be in the red if you’re buying alts. But let’s be honest: can anyone buy the absolute bottom? Even the biggest funds, investors, and whales—they also take drawdowns and wait. ⚡ You only see the drop. But a drop is not the end—it’s an opportunity. ⚡ You’re tired of waiting. But in this market, those who endure—not those who quit—win. ⚡ You’re thinking of cutting losses at -20% or -30%. But in a month, you might regret it. This market is not for the weak. It rewards the patient and punishes the emotional. The same pattern repeats every time: 🔹 First, BTC pumps. 🔹 Then BTC consolidates. 🔹 Then alts explode. So ask yourself: Do you want to panic and lock in losses? Or hold strong and wait for your reward? The best players in this market don’t avoid corrections—they use them. Don’t play their game—play your own.
Изображение канала: Levis Calls
$BTC dropping below $100k,
$ETH retest $3k once again, $SOL below $220 Fear rising up amongst CT and normies all together dunking for lower prices. Yet we can see Blackrock and other institutions keep buying all the supplies and stacking up. Seems like weekend drawdowns might continue until Monday/Tuesday and we can see big bounce next week. Don’t let fear make you sell the bottom.
Изображение канала: 🍹Gin&TONic 🔥 Real-time xRocket cheques 💵
🤑 $50,000 Tournament from Electra x Bitget Wallet!
Great news from our partners: 🤝 Electra and💙 Bitget Wallet have joined forces to launch a high stakes trading campaign! If you complete trading tasks in the Electra trading terminal, you can share $50,000 USDT in the airdrop! Rewards will be distributed based on trading volume, so traders, get ready for a real challenge! 🚀 How to participate: ⏺ Download #Bitget Wallet, Go to Earnings Center and participate in the trading campaign ⏺ Connect your Bitget Wallet to Electra Trading Terminal ⏺ Hold at least 1 BGB until the end of the event ⏺ Start with trades of $10 to become a qualified participant 🔴 Important! To participate in the tournament, all trades must be conducted through Bitget Wallet ⚡️ The total prize pool of $50,000 USDT will be distributed among the most active traders as follows: • 1st Place : $10,000 (Minimum Weekly TVL: $12.5M) • 2nd place : $5,000 (minimum weekly TVL: $7.5M) • 3rd Place : $2,500 (Minimum Weekly TVL: $3.75M) • 4th place : $1,200 (minimum weekly TVL: $2.5M) • 5th place : $800 (minimum weekly TVL: $2M) • 6th-10th places : $500 each (minimum weekly TVL: $1.25M) • 11th-20th places : $300 each • 21st-50th places : $200 each • 51-100th places : $100 each • 101-200th places : $50 each • 900 random participants will receive $10 each *If the minimum TVL is not reached for the week, randomly selected participants will receive $10. 🗓 Duration : The activity will last only 1 week - from February 2nd 17:00 (UTC+8) to February 9th 17:00 (UTC+8). Take part in a big trading tournament from 🚀 Electra and💙 Bitget Wallet! #Electra #TradingTournament #BitgetWallet #DEX #DeFi
Изображение канала: КАРЛ МАРКС
🏴‍☠️ A long-awaited event is finally here! For the past three months, users have been mining the #Memhash, and now the first phase has come to an end. To mark this milestone, we have prepared something special for you - a live broadcast you won’t want to miss.
On February 3, we will be hosting a live event with our team and prominent guests. The main agenda will be the mining phase ending, the achievements, the future of #Memhash, and the TMA ecosystem overall. The team will answer long-awaited questions alongside notable guests from the TON ecosystem. Do not miss this event under any circumstances. Over $50,000 USD will be given away during the event—your presence is essential. 🥇 More details about event will be revealed tomorrow. 🎉 A big promo for 100,000 energy - epic_event ! 📆 Date: 03.02.2025 ⌛️ Time: 18:00 (UTC+3) 📍 Place: Telegram / Twitch Livestream.
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